A department of neurosurgery is a specialized unit within a hospital or medical center that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions using surgical methods. This department is typically staffed by neurosurgeons. Who are medical doctors who have completed specialized training in neurosurgery as well as other healthcare professionals such as nurses, technicians, and support staff.

The department of neurosurgery provides a range of service, including the diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions, the performance of neurosurgical procedures, and the management of post-surgical care. Some common neurosurgical procedures performed in this department include removing brain tumors, repairing damaged or severed nerves, and correcting abnormalities of the skull or spine. The department may also provide specialized services such as neuroendoscopy, stereotactic radiosurgery, and neurocritical care.

The goal of the department of neurosurgery is to provide high-quality, specialized care for patients with neurological conditions and to advance our understanding of the brain and nervous system through research and innovation.